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Février à mars…

Bonjour mes amis et familles ! I’m back finally with an update on our curriculae and trajectories headed forward from February into March. Both our Kindergarteners and our 1 st Graders have been hard at work preparing for Fine Arts and French Night, and upon their mastery of our current lessons. Here’s where we are: 1 st Grade has begun their second unit, “Vive l’école !”, and is making great progress on their class materials (pencil, eraser, ruler, etc.) and descriptions of them. Along with that, we have added on two more colors (pink and brown) and have been working on full sentence writing using them. Our workbook work has grown in scope and difficulty, and I am incredibly proud of their effort. We aim to finish the second unit by the end of the year, rounding out our study with expressions of politesse, the actions, and likes and dislikes. Kindergarten is also working on the objects of school, including both the materials we put to use in class and the furnitu...

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