La deuxième trimestre est ariveé!

Bonjour et bon début de la deuxième trimestre!

As we gallop into the next quarter, like the Horseman through Sleepy Hollow, we're continuing to work hard on our French curriculum! With both our Kindergarten and our 1st Grade, this of course means that we're continuing to lay the foundations of vocabulary and conversation:

In Kinder, we're working right now on

  • "Comment tu t'appelles?" - What is your name?
  • "Tu as quel âge?" / "Quel âge as-tu?" - How old are you?
  • Les couleurs: bleu, jaune, rouge, vert, orange, violet, blanc, et noire
    • blue, yellow, red, green, orange, purple, white, and black
We'll be reviewing
  • Les objets de la classe: la chaise, le pupitre, le crayon, la porte, le tableau, le drapeau, le papier
    • chair, desk, pencil, door, whiteboard, flag, paper, etc.
  • Les nombres de 0 à 10 et les chiffres de 0 à 7
    • counting 0 to 10 and writing the numbers 0 to 7
And we'll be introducing
  • Garçon / Fille : Boy / Girl
This is a tall order and a lot of content, but with enough time, some good practice, and a lot of fun games, I expect we'll be able to tackle it! What do I ask of you? This quarter, peppered with all sorts of breaks and fun celebrations, is an important one for practicing at home. I invite you to listen to our songs, to engage with French holiday music, and to speak to your scholars in French autant que possible (as much as you can)! Please check our Liens utiles for more speaking resources, and check back soon for more video links! 

1st Grade is currently delving deeper into our questions of

  • "Comment tu t'appelles?" - What is your name?
  • "Tu as quel âge?" / "Quel âge as-tu?" - How old are you?
And is working diligently through our Les Loustics program. They're listening to conversations, talking with one another, working through our workbooks, singing wonderful songs, and engaging in a host of hilarious games! When they move on, their next lessons will deal with
  • Les couleurs: bleu, jaune, rouge, vert, orange, violet, blanc, et noire
    • blue, yellow, red, green, orange, purple, white, and black
And then with
  • Les actions: chanter, peinter, sauter, téléphoner, courir, et apprenir le français
    • to sing, paint, jump, call on the phone, run, and learn French!
These three lessons finish out our first unit, which more or less serves as the backbone for the remainder of the year. So, although we will be working hard to knock out our exercises and move forward, we expect to spend a lot of time with this content—we might not even hit Unit 2 until next semester! 

This does not mean, however, that we are behind. The key to a strong French knowledge is a serious focus and a wealth of repetition: the more often we hear these words and phrases, the stronger they will stick in our memory, and the more French we will be able to use. I therefore ask you, in the face of this short, celebration-filled quarter, to practice a ton at home! Listen to your Les Loustics CD, keep your ears open for French holiday music, and speak French with your scholars autant que possible (as much as you can)! 

Check back on this blog often for updates and links, and see our Liens utiles section for more speaking resources and videos! 


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