Expectations & Procedures
- Students should always be directing their actions, academic or otherwise, with Truth, Beauty, and Goodness in mind, and should adhere in their work and play to the 9 virtues listed in the Great Hearts Family Handbook and in our classrooms.
- At the start of class, students should be seated quietly in the Scholarly Position, with all materials save the following put away before the start of class.
- Kindergarteners should have their desks clean, ready to receive handouts and materials
- 1st Graders should have writing utensils ready, and their Activity Books and French folders should be in their desks at the start of class.
- French folders and Activity Books are to remain at school at the end of class.
- Students are expected to sit in the Scholarly Position and give the teacher their full attention, and should refrain from visiting with fellow classmates. Students should not leave their seats save for at the direction of the teacher, or in the case of an emergency.
- During group activities and turn-and-talk conversations, students should use an appropriate indoor voice.
- Students are expected to follow the teacher’s directions on the first time they are given.
- Because our class is designed to be an immersive experience, LITTLE TO NO ENGLISH shall be used in the classroom during French instruction, save for in the case of emergencies.
- BUT all vocabulary shall have a corresponding image, action, or model.
- Before the teacher enters the classroom, students should put away all materials from preceding classes, and should quietly assume the scholarly position with their desks clear.
- When the teacher enters the classroom, students should be prepared to practice their greetings and modes of address.
- The teacher will direct students on necessary materials for the day, and when to take them out.
- The teacher will direct students on times for rising, sitting, and reciting poetry/songs/other group oral work.
- When a student arrives late, he or she should enter quietly and present their late pass to the assistant teacher.
- In the kindergarten class, the late student should look to the instructor for the current lesson, and the assistant will help to distribute any necessary materials.
- In the 1st Grade class, the late student should look to the board to follow the current lesson, and should take out class materials as needed.
- Bathroom procedure: Students are expected to use the bathroom before or after class, and not during, except for in the case of emergencies. Because the class is only 40 minutes long, and runs only two to three times a week, we must make the most of our time.
- Students should be armed with the phrase, “Puis-je aller aux toilettes?” and the expression “s’il vous plaît,” and should be familiar with our school-wide hand signals in the event that instruction is still being given.
- Assistants should be on hand in the Kindergarten and 1st Grade class to field bathroom questions.
- In the case of a new student, he or she may be seated next to a high achiever who will help him or her to make connections and follow directions quickly and quietly. This practice will only continue for a short time, as new students are encouraged to follow the lesson closely, regardless of where they begin.
- For homework, students are expected to review vocabulary 5-10 minutes a day, and should practice and listen our songs. I will provide links on the blog for weekly/bi-weekly vocabulary and music practice.
- After an absence, students will check with the Assistant to receive any papers and/or vocabulary work that they may have missed.
- Should a student need to make up a quiz or test, he or she must check with the Assistant, who will confer with me on a time and place for issuing it.
- Specials folders should be organized and kept in good condition. I will issue tests for content and vocabulary on occasion, which will also be kept in these folders.
- I will defer to homeroom procedures on the passing out of papers, on emergency bathroom policy, and on end of class transitions.
- Class discussion requires the participation of all students in the class, either as a group, or by pairing with one another, or by pairing with the teacher or Assistant. I will check on students who are not participating, and include them in the conversation. This will allow me to check on all students for understanding, comprehension, and retention.
- Students should remember to raise their hand to participate, and are expected to ask questions and make comments related to the lesson.
- Students should not move about the class, unless they have permission from the teacher or assistant, or in the case of an emergency.
- Before quiz or test days, students should write in their agendas the lessons for study, and parents are encouraged to check the teacher blog for the dates of those assessments.
- Kindergarten quizzes will be kept by the teacher in student files, and will be copied and sent home periodically.
- 1st Grade tests and quizzes will be added to a section in the Specials folder for review.
- 1st Grade Activity Books should remain on campus at all times. Upon request, parents may come to campus and view classwork done in the Activity Book.