Février à mars…
Bonjour mes amis
et familles !
I’m back finally with an update on
our curriculae and trajectories headed forward from February into March. Both
our Kindergarteners and our 1st Graders have been hard at work preparing
for Fine Arts and French Night, and upon their mastery of our current lessons. Here’s
where we are:
1st Grade has begun their second unit, “Vive l’école !”,
and is making great progress on their class materials (pencil, eraser, ruler,
etc.) and descriptions of them. Along with that, we have added on two more colors
(pink and brown) and have been working on full sentence writing using them. Our
workbook work has grown in scope and difficulty, and I am incredibly proud of
their effort. We aim to finish the second unit by the end of the year, rounding
out our study with expressions of politesse, the actions, and likes and
Kindergarten is also working on the objects of school, including
both the materials we put to use in class and the furniture and features of the
classroom. Their recent work on simple actions and alphabet structure has been
stunning to watch, and we intend to keep up with the huge body of knowledge we
have accrued in our time together. After we finish working with the school, we
will turn to the home and parts of the house, the members of the family, and
the days and months. These will fill in the rest of our year and will keep us
lively and engaged in our French work.
Please join us this coming April
for Fine Arts and French Night. We
will be featuring lovely presentations by the Art classes and clubs, live poetry
courtesy of the French club, and videotaped music performances by all our
French classes. The date to save is
April 10, 2019. We will send out more information after the break, as the time
Merci, et passez des
printemps magnifiques !
M Gaudin
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