Heading into the Long Weekend

Bonne fin de semaine, et bon R&R Weekend! A quick update on where we are in our classes:

This week, the Kindergarteners began working on the shapes and numbers, and continued their review of greetings, colors, and classroom objects. This last Wednesday, we also dived into our first storybook, "Le Petit Chaperon Rouge."

What are we listening to:

What games are we playing:

  • "Qu'est-ce qui a disparu?" With our 5-6 vocab elements on the board, we turn off the lights. One card goes missing! Once we know which one and where it is, we guide the teacher to it—we chant the vocab word, and get louder as he gets closer!
  • "Heads Up 7 Up" We choose 4-5 taggers, and give them flashcards to hold. With lights out and heads down, the taggers pick one person each. The tagged have to guess who tagged them by their vocab words!
  •  "Autour du Monde !" Who knows our words best? Starting with two students, we race to call out our vocab. The winner between them moves around to the next person until we've made a tour of the class—the student who reaches the end of the tour gets a prize (a bookmark or a pencil 😊)!
What are we reading:
  • Le Petit Chaperon Rouge by Ana Lomba, the classic Little Red Riding Hood tale translated into French! Our copy has an English translation beside the French for vocab review and connection at home. ISBN 0-07-146167-1
As we move forward into the our numbers through 10, we look to review and consolidate with a few short quizzes and worksheets: The first among these is a coloring sheet, which we hope to tackle on Tuesday!

In the First Grade, we have moved into Leçon 2: Combien de Doigts? We have also been reviewing our greetings and conversations, and plan to do a wealth of work with our Les Loustics program. 
  • On that note, we do ask that if you have a copy of the book, please do send them in with your students on Tuesday!
  • If you have not yet bought a copy, we ask that you order it through Barnes & Noble here, or through Amazon here as soon as possible. We will be using it heavily next week!
  • If you are for any reason unable to purchase the Les Loustics Niveau 1 book, please contact me at rgaudin@archwayarete.org. I will be in touch with my administration about purchasing some extra sets.
What are we listening to:

What are we playing:
  • Many of the games we use in our K classes come across into our 1st Grade program, with the exception of our workbook activities, which cover all ranges of coloring, sticker work, tracing, connect-the-dots, and so on.
What are we reading:
  • Depending on time, some of our classes have begun "Poisson Un, Poisson Deux," a translation of the classic Dr. Seuss book.

Les jours & les introductions:
mardi               mercredi             vendredi
Bonjour!          Salut!                  Comment ça va?      très bien         mal          comme ci, comme ça 
Au revoir!        À bientôt!

Parties du corps:
la main             les doigts            les yeux            les oreilles            la tête

Les couleurs:
bleu, jaune, rouge, vert, violet/violette, orange

Les attentes de la classe:
écoute, regarde, monte, mime, chante, parle, lis
écris, dessine, colorie, découpe, colle, compte

Les nombres:
les chiffres   1 à 10 (12 for the older students)
le mots         un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix (onze, douze)

J'espère que vous passez un bon weekend, plein de temps pour relaxer! Et aussi je vous souhaite un bon Labor Day! À mardi!


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